Healthcare Support
Ensuring Access to Essential Healthcare for Underserved Communities
At Prayer Warrior’s Mission, we are convinced that for a country to be productive, its citizen must be healthy, hygienic and have access to save drinking water. It is on this basis that we take time to mobilize and sensitize our beneficiaries to demand their leaders the desired services.
Communities are at the heart of our work and therefore we seek to strengthen the health systems, design and enhance interventions that improve people’s access to health through their active participation. We strive to enable communities to live healthier lives every day. We work with the poorest and most marginalized people in Uganda; those living in remote rural areas of the islands and areas affected by disasters.
We develop health projects/activities in close consultation with communities so that they are relevant to their specific needs. We help the communities to
Identify their own health needs and then work with them to develop projects/activities that meets their needs.
World Prayer Warrior’s Mission enables communities to take control of their own health and to help them demand the assistance and services to which they are entitled too. Within the different communities, we target those who are most vulnerable to ill health such as women, Children under the age of five and youths. Our health focus is, improving maternal and child health, fighting diseases notably HIV/AIDS, Tuberculosis and malaria.