Social Economic Program (SEP)
Empowering Communities Through Income Generation and Economic Education
World Prayer Warrior’s Mission has an element of income generating activities (IGAs) as a strategy to fight food insecurity, Malnutrition, acute households’ poverty, lack of appropriate skills coupled with ignorance about the collective marketing of the agricultural products.
This project is directed at both men and women to help improve their economic statuses and nutritional situation. Training in foods and nutrition, Income Generating Activities’ management and diversification; monitoring; revolving interest-free loans are considered key in achieving the greater goal.
We further aim at empowering men and women through training them in micro finance, enterpreneurship and book keeping. The project is designed to educate the beneficiaries of their rights and responsibilties to empower them protect aganist all forms of abuses. We work with aldready exsiting structures of savings and credit schemes to increase the capital for savings.
Our team provides psychosocial-economic support to increase the target populations’ knowledge and livelihood skills, change attitudes and risky predisposing practices in our communities.
We design time frame to deliver frequent entrepreneurial trainings, engage both men and women groups to empower them in either their businesses already established or identify new ones so that they can cater for their needs by themselves.
To achieve our vision, we work with other actors across-the-board. The local leaders of the beneficiary communities participate in the planning, monitoring and evaluation of the project activities.
Our organization team works with development community agents, community development officers and village commercial officers to achieve community mobilization for effective implementation.